'Happiness' with Bappa Choudhury on The Greencastle Podcast
In this episode, Bappa Choudhury, happiness and performance speaker, coach, and change consultant joins us at the Greencastle headquarters for a deep dive into happiness. Bappa discusses his mantra of breathe, balance, and believe, and a host of other subjects. Bappa has an extensive history of business working for Siemens and as a business owner. This is an episode full of excellent information from an excellent example of someone who lives what he teaches! We are proving the value of veterans in the workplace and giving veterans the tools they need to translate their experience into civilian employer terms. The Greencastle Podcast website Subscribe on iTunes here Bappa Choudhury Contact Information: Website: www.BappaChoudhury.com Email: bappa.choudhury@gmail.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bappachoudhury/